Minute Mindset

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Just Another Day

Do you ever have days when you feel you just don’t get anything done? Oh, you start the day with good intentions; you have an agenda of things you want to achieve, BUT the minute you walk through the company the day you planned turns upside down.

Some have a problem and they feel compelled to share it with you. It sounds like:

              Hey, boss I need to talk to you…

              I got to tell you what happened…

              Hey, I got this problem…

The interruptions start and your agenda is out the window. Does it ever frustrate you that you don’t get to do the things you feel you should be doing? Is it ever exhausting to end your day and still have a million things to get done?

So what do many people do? They get up and go in early so they can get...

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5 Reasons Your Dream Is Important

Since 1978, my life has been airports, airplanes, taxis, hotels, do my presentation and then, back in the taxi, back to the airport, another plane and another city. So many people say to me, “I would love to have your life,” and I think, “Yeah, you would like to have it until you had to do it.”

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE what I do. There is nothing I would rather be doing than sharing my research and insights with audiences all over the world. I love reaching out to people from all walks of life and helping them understand, “There is more to your life than what you have experienced up until now. There is an adventure waiting for you!” What I do is a calling. It is a crusade that brings me happiness, fulfillment and abundance. It is not something just anyone can do. You have to feel from the inside-out that this is the life you were put on this earth to live – and I believe that!

People ask me constantly, “Why do you do...

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Millionaire Mindset

Mindset! It is the strength to all that you are. Your mind is more than a glob of grey matter that sits atop your head!! It is the control center to everything your life is.

The challenge is what are you doing to strengthen your mind? I watch so many get to a place in their life’s journey, and then, drop out of the school of learning. For many they get trapped in the routine they establish for their life and ”settle into” a life of repetitive behavior. That is good for a while, but at some point, a few, are willing to challenge the trap and find a way to break out. That is not easy!

That trap of routine will:

Trample on your creative spirit

When you aren’t challenging your mind on a consistent basis, it tends to hamper your mind’s desire for adventure.

Resist changes that upset your routine

Trapped in routine makes you fight the changes that will take you out of your routine, even though you talk about wanting more for your life.

Allow you to live in a...

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Morale! Who’s Got It, Who’s Lost It, and How You Can Find It!

business leadership morale Jan 01, 2021

I was reading an article from the Society For Human Resource Management and came across this statement. With a daily diet of news about layoffs, foreclosures, bankruptcies, bailouts, and cutbacks large and small – from no raises to no bonuses to fewer flavored coffees in the break room – it is no wonder morale is in a free fall with the economy.

I thought to myself, “This is what I have been talking about!” One of the top issues, if not THE top issue, within the workplace, the home and inside people’s lives is the weakening of morale. The inner spirit is so important, and at the same time, so fragile. We hear about the resilience of the human spirit, and yes, the human spirit is resilient, BUT under enough stress it will be depleted.  When that happens, the desire to fight on, the belief things will get better, the joy of going to work, the desire to move forward, are all under attack. If you listen to people talk, it seems many feel their life...

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6 Tips To Providing Leadership In A Virtual Business World

Never has Leadership been as important as it is today. This new environment is forcing companies to reexamine who they are, what they are about, how they must adapt, adjust and realign their business to this new business landscape they are facing.

For many their business terrain is not stable. What “was” is now having to be looked at with a different set of filters. How things were done are now having to be viewed through the eyes of yesterday. What is “now” is not what was; what worked yesterday must now be reexamined as to whether this new business landscape will support the pathway of yesterday.

This is creating a big challenge for many who have the responsibility of leadership. This new abnormal has turned their comfortable routine upside down. The economy was moving, business was happening, and it didn’t take a lot of energy to be successful. THEN, out of nowhere came a little micro-organism, and its appearance turned the world of business on its...

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2020, COVID-19, and The Effect On My Year

challenges life resilience Sep 17, 2020

One of the most consistent things about life is there are always challenges for us to find our way through! These challenges come in many different shapes and sizes. Most affect a small portion of our life. Very seldom do we find ourselves being challenged on multi-fronts at the same time. Being challenged on one front can be tough, but it can be managed. But — and it’s a big emotional “but”— let the challenge come at us from multiple directions, and the result can be our life feeling emotionally overwhelmed.

COVID-19 is frightening, not only because it can kill you, but because it has taken our life as we have known it and torn it apart mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually. No part of life has been left untouched. All of us have been affected in one way or another.

2020 will go down in history as the most “challenging” year most of us have lived. As I look at what this year has brought to my life, I see it as...

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Start Your Engines

There are certain phrases, that when spoken, everyone knows what the phrase is related to. One of the most famous statements is, “Gentleman, start your engines!”

Anyone who has heard that statement realizes it relates to the world of auto racing. The statement is the signal that things are about to happen. All the work that has been done in preparing the car for the race, all the hours of team preparation and all the experience of the driver is about to explode and be defined by what happens on the track.

If you have ever been to a NASCAR race or watched a race on TV, when those words are spoken, “Gentleman, Start Your Engines,” the energy goes through the roof!

The cars roar, they make their way around the track, the pace care drops out, the flag is dropped and the RACE is on! Not all the cars that start the race are going to finish the race. Some will have engine problems, and there will be crashes. For those who don’t finish, all the hard work...

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Stress Is The Enemy

Recently I asked a young man named Alex to define the word “relax” for me. He looked at me with puzzlement and just stared at me for a few moments. “I’m not sure what it means,” he said. “It’s one of my great challenges in life. I find it very difficult to relax. It seems my mind is always working, and I can’t seem to turn it off.”

The more we talked, the more he understood what his inability to relax did to him mentally, emotionally, and physically. It made it hard for him to focus, and many times it left him emotionally exhausted and kept him physically tired.

Alex is like so many people today who find it challenging to relax. Each day they find themselves wrestling with all that life is handing them. But the ability to relax is one of the ways you learn to control your stress level.

In working with human behavior, I find most people don’t know how to unwind. You know this as well as I do: Wind anything tight enough, and...

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Strengthening Hope During This Time of The New Abnormal

fear hope human behavior Mar 26, 2020

This is a new time for all of us. It is a time where most of what has made us feel safe and secure has now been rearranged without our permission. This has left so many feeling lost, confused, and struggling with the unknown. For many, this has unleashed a host of emotions that are pulling them in a multitude of directions.

Ralph told me during a phone call, “I have never felt so out of sync. I get up in the morning, find myself starting to do my normal routine and remember, Whoops!”

Ralph is like so many who have found the routine of their life changed without their permission.

I just got off another phone call where Linda said, “I talk to my friends, and they are so lost. The routine they have lived each day is now not there. They just can’t seem to adjust to what is happening. They are lost without their normal routine.”

This new abnormal (not normal) is having a very strong effect on people. Their life is out of sorts, out of sync, and out of their...

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The Flint Team